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MuPO Documentation

File Format


This file is just a quick start of a documentation. I guess you should be able to figure out how it works if you only want to understand import and export of files. Some things are not explained yet, but most important facts should be stated here. If you don't understand, use the source or mail me.


It was XML-like in the beginning. Now the structure has not changed, but it is not that verbose any more to allow for more fast reading of it.


Just use the one in header.dat...


Begins with the line <data> and ends with </data>.
Every line inside (except lines where description is stored) begins with ONE control character which may be followed by data. You don't have to provide any line. If one is not there, the default is used. The hierarchy is represented like in an xml-file.
g                                     // start of toplevel group
  sToplevel                           //   summary of toplevel group
  p3                                  //   toplevel group has priority 3
  g                                   //     start of subgroup
    sThe level below: a group         //       summary of subgroup
  >                                   //     end of subgroup
  t                                   //     start of item
    sThe level below: an item         //       summary of item
    d54                               //       The following description for this
      This is the items description.  //        item is 54 characters long.
      It is put in two lines.
    p2                                //       This item has priority 2.
  >                                   //     end of item
>                                     // end of toplevel group
Take the above lines and remove the leading blanks and comments to get a valid body of a mupo datafile. Structure should be clear. Only groups can include groups and items, items can not. There is no need to have a toplevel group in a file you want to import.

Control Character Meaning
g start of group
t start of item
> end of group/item

Control characters inside a group or item:

Control Character Meaning Example
s summary (s+Summary-String) sWrite down docs
I syncID (I+Number) I3452
p priority (p+Number). See config.h for valid ranges and constants. p4

Control characters inside a group:

Control Character Meaning
c show completed (c1) or hide completed (c0)
l show completed last (l1) or sort by priority (l0)

Control characters inside an item:

Control Character Meaning
R Is running. Leave out if not running.
r working times. One line for every interval. Start and end separated by a ','. The values are just the time_t provided in time.h
f only 'f': is not done yet. 'f'+time: got finished at that time. The value is just the time_t provided in time.h
d 'd'+number which represents length of description. Description starts in the following line.
m begin. Type is T_datetime in datetime.h
n end. Type is T_datetime in datetime.h
S show time as. Valid constants in types.h (SHOW_AS_*)
1 Recurring item? Vaild values in config.h, RECTYPE_*
2 recurring interval
3 recurring begin. Type is T_datetime in datetime.h
4 recurring end. Type is T_datetime in datetime.h

An example file to import in this directory, named example.dat. If you want to know more, just export your data...

Version 1.12
Jens Wilhelm Wulf, j.w.wulf at
Latest modification: 25.03.2011 20:05
Jens W. Wulf
