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MuPO Documentation



Searches start from the group you are currently viewing. You can perform searches on the results, too.

Find out which group an item resides in

On editing an item (no matter if you opened it from data or calendar view or the list of search results or active items) there's a menu entry 'go to item's group' which switches to data view of the group the item resides in.

Recurring items

For todos there's a recurrence-type called 'daily, resetable'. By choosing this, those todos show up in the calendar with their next due date. By flagging them as 'done', the due-date is set to n days after today.

This is quite useful for things you don't have to do on a particular day, but regularly, like watering your plants.

If you've got a recurring todo (not the daily resetable type), it appears in the calendar starting from the next due date up to the end of the recurring period. So when you flag it as completed, it 'moves away' from that day.

Converting an item to a group (containing the item)

If you created an item and feel that it should be splitted into several ones or there is any other reason to create a new group for it, use 'turn to group' from the menu when editing it. This will create a new group in place of the item AND the item will be moved into that group without losing or changing any data.

Example data-file

There's a datafile mupo_default.dat included in the distribution which shows the use of different items.

Path to datafile

If MuPO is started without any arguments, it tries to find its datafile in certain places: ~/.mupo/mupo_default.dat first, then ~/mupo/mupo_default.dat and at last ./mupo_default.dat (those places can be adjusted using a configuration file, see below). Otherwise the file you give as argument will be used.

About MuPO-Sync

This tool is able to sync any number of files. When syncing, there has to be the file which has been the result of the previous sync and the files of all clients this file had been distributed to and changed by.

When setting up something new, do it like this (example for three clients):

ws% mupo ./syncfile (don't edit, just quit)
ws% cp ./syncfile ./mupo.client1
ws% cp ./syncfile ./mupo.client2
ws% cp ./syncfile ./mupo.client3
Distribute the files to the clients and just work...
Remember to keep syncfile, you'll need it when syncing.
Sync again:
Get the files from the clients.
ws% muposync ./syncfile ./mupo.client1 ./mupo.client2 ./mupo.client3
ws% cp ./syncfile ./mupo.client1
ws% cp ./syncfile ./mupo.client2
ws% cp ./syncfile ./mupo.client3
Distribute the files to the clients and just work...
Remember to keep syncfile, you'll need it when syncing again.


There's a feature to call MuPO with some arguments to automatically import things in a file to a certain group. It is pretty handy to regularly import automatically created data. MuPO's file format is quite easy to understand and create, it is text-only. Mail me to state it is important for you and I'll put some work into it and explain the file-format.

Command line options


mupo [-q] [-i importfile] [-g group to import to] [-f datafile] [-s] [-c]

-i importfile
Take data from this file and insert it.
-g group to import to
Import data to this group.
-f datafile
Take this file instead of mupo_default.dat.
Save datafile on exit and rotate backup files even if nothing has been changed.
Exit immediately, useful after importing something.
Start with calendar showing today.
Start with calendar showing that date.
For example you could use
mupo -i newdata.dat -g "/infos/automatically imported things/" -f mupodata.dat -q
The group /infos/automatically imported things/ has to exist in order to import into it. If it does not, nothing will happen.

Saving Data

The whole datafile is saved when you exit MuPO. Furthermore, a smaller file is written everytime data changes. So when your agenda dies because of low batteries or the like, there is no need to worry, as every change has been saved. When MuPO starts up again, all those files are read and changes are made. Then the whole datafile is saved and the small files are deleted.
This feature is the reason why the menu-entry 'save' has disappeared.

Cutting/deleting things

Everything you cut will be put into the paste-buffer. This makes moving of things faster and gives you something like an 'undelete', too. However, this will not happen with 'delete completed'.

Holidays for different Countries

MuPO supports holidays for different countries (at the moment for Germany, the United States and Great Britain), but they can't be switched at runtime. One has to choose one at compile time.


You can set one or more passwords. Each of them is able to encrypt/decrypt a master key, which in turn is used to encrypt items. On every item you can chose whether it should be encrypted or not. Once you have successfully entered one of your passwords, you can encrypt/decrypt items and add additional passwords.
There are two input fields for passwords, one does not show what you type, while the second one does so. However, the latter allows you do input carriage return and tabs.
Use either one of them, just as you like -- but if you add a password which contains returns and/or tabs using the visible field, you have to use this field to login with this password, too.
Uses linux random number generator for master key creation.
Uses SHA1, stretching, salting, twofish encryption.

Keyboard shortcuts

The most important operations (for some use cases, at least) can be done via keyboard only. Due to the design of the GUI code of MuPO (which is really strange, but provided some benefits for its original use case, the Agenda VR3), keyboard use is not as nice as possible, though...
Some menu buttons have an underline character which indicates that you can press 'Alt' and the underlined character to activate this function using the keyboard. Underlined characters on a menu box indicate keys you press without 'Alt' at the same time.
Use the cursor keys to navigate the hierarchy ('left' leaves a group, 'right' enters a group) and open an item ('right'). Hitting 'return' on an item toggles its 'Done'-state.
Use 'Ctrl'+'q' to exit MuPO.

User configuration file

Some things can be adjusted per user by using a configuration file. This file is located at ~/.muporc/mupo.config for unix systems.
The external editor can be configured using a line like
    editor = /usr/bin/xjed
When MuPO is invoked without the -f option, it looks for a datafile in certain places. If there is no configuration file, it behaves as if the configuration file contains
If there is a configuration file, just set defaults paths as you need.

Version 1.15
Jens Wilhelm Wulf, j.w.wulf at
Latest modification: 25.03.2011 20:05
Jens W. Wulf
