MuPO Documentation


There are some little things which should be written about installation. Please take a look at the file README in the source-directory. For operating systems other than linux there are and README.freebsd, too.

..where to copy the executable?

On the agenda: for example to /home/default/bin/. You may have to create this directory. On your desktop (linux): /usr/local/bin/ might be a good place, but you have to call it with an option to tell it that your datafile is in your homedir.

...and the datafile?

Copy mupo_default.dat to /home/default/ and make sure it is writeable by user 'default'. do I make it appear in the menu?

create a symbolic link in /home/default/.wmx/Applications/ which points to /home/default/bin/mupo.

Linking against (Mesa)GL

You may need to link against libGL or libMesaGL, depends on your system. The default is to link against libMesaGL. If that does not fit your system, take a look at the makefile, you'll see what to edit.

Compiling MuPO: dependencies

You need fltk, which itself depends on MesaGL (maybe not, at least there is an option to configure named '--disable-gl'). On my desktop, I'm using fltk version 1.0.11.

...options at compile time

There are several things you can only choose when compiling MuPO.
Name where to define it What does it do (if defined)
CAL_DE_HALLOWEEN config.h Shows halloween in the german calendar
NOX11 Makefile disable keyboard emulation
LARGESCREEN Makefile enlarge font and size of window
PARANOIDBACKUPFILES config.h use three backup-files instead of one
USESYNC config.h issue a 'sync' after writing an incremental file (all dirty buffers in the kernel will be written; may cause lots of flash-disc-activity).
QUIKWRITING_1_0 config.h Use 1.0 layout of aqw. If not defined, use 2.0 layout.
VOLTAGE config.h Should be 330 for a normal VR3. If you've modified the step-up-converter to output 3.00V instead of 3.30V, define 300.
IPAQLINUX Makefile special settings for use on the iPaq
SHOWVOLTAGE Makefile Shows the battery voltage (together with time, uptime and date near the keyboard).
NOBORDER Makefile Disables the window-border.
DIRTYTRANSHACK Makefile Enables dirty translation hack.
LOCKFILE Makefile Enables creation of lockfile while MuPO is running. May be used to autodetect if data should be synced.

Compile using cmake

Run ./ to configure and compile the application and make install in ./out/ to install it. ./ can take an argument to change installation path from /usr/local to something else:

Version 1.12
Jens Wilhelm Wulf, j.w.wulf at
Letzte Änderung: 25.03.2011 20:05
Jens W. Wulf
