1. Phygoidendämpfer
Erst bei diesem Aufschrieb habe ich eine Veröffentlichung von Peter Rother (1998) gefunden.
Ebenso ein Patent von Helmut Schenk.
2. Künstliche Längsstabilität
2.1. Helmut Schenk
Die beste Übersicht/Einführung bietet wohl: Helmut Schenk: "Versuche mit künstlicher Längsstabilität", FMT-Kolleg, Heft 6, 1989.
2.2. Steve Morris
2.3. Helmut Lelke
2.4. Sensoren
Mark Drela schreibt, man könne den Flügel selbst als Differenzdrucksonde benutzen; die Klappenstellung spielt dann allerdings eine Rolle:
A fairly reliable way to do this is via two differential pressure transducers.
1) Install two pressure taps on the wing, one on the bottom surface and one on the top surface, both near the LE at about 5% chord. Use one differential pressure transducer to measure
delta(p) = p_bottom - p_top
between these two taps.
2) Use the other differential transducer to measure the dynamic pressure
q = p_total - p_static
with the two pressures taken from a pitot probe.
The ratio of these two pressure readings is the differential pressure coefficient
delta(Cp) = delta(p) / q
which is a sensitive function of AoA and TE flap deflection, at least for modest pitch rates.
You can use Xfoil to compute delta(Cp), and thus determine its dependence on AoA and flap angle.
2.5. Ohne Windfahne oder Druckmessung
Deon Blaauw, "Flight Control System for a Variable Stability Blended-Wing-Body Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
I.K.Peddle, "Acceleration Based Maneuvre Flight Control System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
I.K.Peddle, T.Jones: "Acceleration Based 3D Maneuver Flight Control System for UAVs: Strategy and Longitudinal Design", Submitted to Automatica, Jan 2008.